Corporate Governance


Alufer’s Directors support high standards of corporate governance and have and will continue to adopt best practices in line with the UK Corporate Governance Code, so far as is practicable.

The Board meets frequently to consider all aspects of the Group’s activities. A formal schedule of matters reserved for the Board is issued and approved and includes overall strategy and approval of major capital expenditure. All Directors have access to the advice and services of the Group Secretary and the Group’s professional advisers.

Board Charter

Remuneration and Nomination Committee
The Remuneration / Nomination Committee is responsible for establishing a formal, rigorous and transparent procedure for developing policy on executive remuneration. It is also responsible for reviewing the structure, size and composition of the Board, preparing a description of the role and capabilities required for a particular appointment and identifying and nomination of candidates to fill Board positions, as and when they arise.

Remuneration and Nomination Charter

Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the quality of any internal controls and for ensuring that the financial performance of the Group is properly monitored, controlled and reported on. It also meets the Group’s auditors and reviews reports from the auditors relating to accounts and any internal control systems.

Audit Committee Charter

SHEC (Safety, Health, Environmental and Community) Committee

The SHEC Committee is responsible for assisting in the execution of the Company’s responsibilities in relation to safety, health, environmental and community issues. It has a key role in implementing proper procedure and process for identifying, assessing and managing the SHEC issues and risks and ensuring that these are developed, carried out and reviewed regularly.

SHEC Charter

Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy

It is Alufer’s policy to conduct all of its business in an honest and ethical manner. Alufer has a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships wherever it operates, implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery and corruption.

Alufer is committed to uphold all laws in the countries that it does business in, especially laws related to countering bribery and corruption.

Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy